Filling the need of Widows and Orphans

The Redeemed House Team wants to observe the good instruction found in James 1:27

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. - James 1:27

If you are a widow or an orphan please post below what your biggest immediate need is and our admin staff will verify your status, and YHWH will provide.

Hello I’m an orphan
Be blessed.

Shalom !!

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My parents are deceased; my husband abandoned me because he was alcoholic (and trying on a new wife).

I am self sufficient but I need to “borrow” a laborer to help me get a fence around my property in north Missouri to keep unwanted men (literally) from roaming on to my property but labor is about 10k up here and that is way outside of my pocketbook. I have four bedrooms in case anyone could volunteer this spring!

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How close are you to Ava, MO?

Hello. I just remembered where this website was located off of FB and I reset my password. Sorry for delayed response. Dealing with the issues I wrote about before. I am NW corner of MO west of maryville. the map says that Ava is about 5 hours away.